This short guide is me taking notes to prepare for an analysis that can look across versions and compilers. For my first test I want to install zlib across several versions of a package and compilers. Note that this requires this branch.


Before doing this, you should have exported a spack monitor token and username in your envrionment.


We also need to ensure that everything builds with debug.

$ . /share/spack/

Test Smeagle

And then here is how to install zlib with using spack monitor (locally) and then running the analyzer for the same set:

# Install ALL versions of zlib with default compiler
$ spack  install --monitor --all --monitor-tag smeagle zlib

# Analyze all versions of zlib plus recursive dependents
$ spack analyze --monitor run --analyzer smeagle --recursive --all zlib

I did a sanity check to see the results in the database:

$ docker exec -it uwsgi bash
p(sm) root@8a3433dedba8:/code# python shell
Python 3.8.12 | packaged by conda-forge | (default, Oct 12 2021, 21:59:51)
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 7.28.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.

In [1]: from spackmon.apps.main.models import Attribute

In [2]: Attribute.objects.all()
Out[2]: <QuerySet [<Attribute: Attribute object (1)>, <Attribute: Attribute object (2)>]>

In [3]: Attribute.objects.first()
Out[3]: <Attribute: Attribute object (1)>

In [4]: Attribute.objects.first().json_value
{'library': '/data/',
 'locations': [{'function': {'name': 'free',
    'type': 'Function',
    'direction': 'import'}},
  {'function': {'name': '__errno_location',
    'type': 'Function',
    'direction': 'import'}},
  {'function': {'name': 'write', 'type': 'Function', 'direction': 'import'}},
  {'function': {'name': 'strlen', 'type': 'Function', 'direction': 'import'}},


Change Compiler

And now we want to install the same versions of zlib with different compilers.

# Install ALL versions of zlib
$ spack  install --monitor --all --monitor-tag smeagle zlib %gcc@8.4.0
$ spack  install --monitor --all --monitor-tag smeagle zlib %gcc@7.5.0

# Analyze all versions of zlib plus recursive dependents
$ spack analyze --monitor run --analyzer smeagle --recursive --all zlib%gcc@8.4.0
$ spack analyze --monitor run --analyzer smeagle --recursive --all zlib%gcc@7.5.0

Test Symbolator

Let’s now do the same, but using the symbolator analyzer (we already have them installed):

# Analyze all versions of zlib plus recursive dependents
$ spack analyze --monitor run --analyzer symbolator --recursive --all zlib
$ spack analyze --monitor run --analyzer symbolator --recursive --all zlib%gcc@8.4.0
$ spack analyze --monitor run --analyzer symbolator --recursive --all zlib%gcc@7.5.0
$ spack analyze --monitor run --analyzer symbolator --recursive --all curl
$ spack analyze --monitor run --analyzer symbolator --recursive --all curl%gcc@8.4.0
$ spack analyze --monitor run --analyzer symbolator --recursive --all curl%gcc@7.5.0

For splice analysis examples, see the `api-examples folder _<>`_.